TRT Day 6

Miles: 50.1 - 67.4

Photo: Desolation Wilderness

I felt EXHAUSTED today. Last night I woke up probably 10 times, some with me feeling extremely nauseous. I chalk it up to the altitude which I boasted in the last post didn’t affect me. Oops. 

I had the goal of doing a bit over 20 miles so that tomorrow I would be able to get into Tahoe City around 6:00 PM. That would allow me to do all my town chores, eat a good dinner, and sleep in a real bed. To give myself even more motivation to accomplish this goal, I called the hotel I was planning to stay the night in and reserved the room for tomorrow night. The comments on FarOut suggested calling a few days in advance since the hotel can get booked up quickly around the weekend. 

The first 4.5 miles of the day was a large climb up Dick’s pass. I kinda got into a grove from the middle up to the top, but after summiting all my energy was gone and didn’t really come back the entire day. Despite drinking enough water, eating all my snacks, and having electrolytes, I was basically just dragging my feet along so I could make it closer to my destination of Tahoe City by tomorrow. It wasn’t until midday that I realized there was no way I would be able to reach my goal of over 20 miles today. I luckily got cell reception at the top of the last peak before the descent to my planned stopping point so I called the hotel again and changed the room reservation to the day after tomorrow. That way I can do as many miles as possible tomorrow and then cruise into Tahoe City the next day. An easy fix to a confusing problem.

Today wasn’t all bad though. I got to meet the legend of the TRT this year, Loopy! He’s a hiker who has done the entire TRT loop 5 times this summer. He plans to do 2 more before stopping for the season. I had heard about him on my first day out here so it was really cool to talk to him for a bit. He had already hiked the AT, CDT twice, and the PCT three times. At this point, he is just bored and decided to take on this project. Just fascinating.



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